Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015

contoh pidato bahasa inggris

Hello Wr.Wb.

Dear Ms. Principal, And do not forget the friends that I love and care about.

Let us first of all and most importantly, our common sense of utter praise and gratitude to Allah SWT's blessing and gift that we can all come together in this class with good health, without the slightest sense of lacking. Do not forget also that we give our best regards to the ridge and the Prophet Muhammad, which has led Muslims to describe bright days like today.
Friends I'm proud and I loved it all.
Friends, let us be keeping the environment in which we live and good for the earth to produce profits for us and not to harm to us, and even a disaster for us we did not expect, of course. One way that the environment does not provide disaster for us is to maintain the cleanliness of the environment around us. A simple example is the trash in its place. Then do not forget to keep them clean ourselves.
Dear friends, Keeping Clean Environment is the best way to prevent a variety of diseases that lurk in the rainy season as it is now. Keeping the environment clean can be started from our beloved school, SMA 1 Tanjungbumi. When our school clean then another party will be reluctant to model good habits for us in cleaning up our school. The real meaning of environmental hygiene is a condition in which the environment is liveable humans, where the physical state of human health can be maintained. Therefore, we must maintain a healthy environment in order to create a viable and prosperous life. We as residents of this school also positively affected the teaching and learning to be comfortable for our school environment clean.
Keeping the school environment can be done by removing the waste in our school environment to the trash, conducting classes daily pickets regularly and PSN 30 minutes every Friday in order to clean up the environment of the school's Nest Ades aegypti mosquito that causes the disease dengue fever.
Dear friends, As the closing speeches in the cleanliness is part of faith, so when someone does not care about the cleanliness of it really is not a person who is full of faith. Going forward I hope that we as human beings can be more active in keeping the environment clean.

Long speech from me, more or less I'm sorry. When no one came from me, and when there is an excess of God. And walkolamiwamayasturun. Thank Wr.Wb.

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